
Quick Guide to Understanding NEVI Funding

Oct 06, 2022 | NEVI , DC Fast Chargers , Charging , Switchgear

The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula (NEVI) Funding Program is a great opportunity to help businesses accelerate their EV charger infrastructure rollout initiatives. Choosing the right infrastructure equipment that can help meet these guidelines is imperative to ensuring your next EV charger project qualifies for funding. In this quick guide, we will give our interpretation of the highlights in simple terms so you can ensure your next EV charging project is NEVI-ready.

For more information on NEVI requirements visit the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration website to review the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.


As part of the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), the NEVI program provides funding to strategically deploy electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. A total of $5 billion in funding will be available over the next five years to build out the United States’ alternative fuels corridor with EV charging stations.

For EV charger operators looking to take advantage of these funds, they must be sure to have the right EV charging infrastructure in place and that their projects qualify under the NEVI guidelines as well as the requirements of each state. Be sure to consider not only the EV chargers themselves, but also all EV charger infrastructure which is vital given the 97% uptime requirement for NEVI funding.





1. CHARGER REQUIREMENTS - What are the requirements for the charger types?

Quick Answer: A minimum of four 150 kW DC fast chargers per location.
The goal of the NEVI program is to help facilitate charging locations every 50 miles along main highways in each state, with each site no more than one mile off the exit. To accomplish rapid charging, the selected chargers must be Direct Current (DC) Fast Chargers, also known as Level 3 Chargers, capable of up to 150 kW of power delivery per vehicle. The overall minimum power capacity of the charger site must be 600 kW.

2. UPTIME ASSURANCE - What are the charger uptime requirements?

Quick Answer: In operational working order 97% of the time.
Simply facilitating 97% uptime of chargers may not be enough, as most states have indicated that regular reporting of uptime will be required. The guidelines require NEVI funded projects to collect, maintain, and submit data including uptimes as well as other metrics including charging station use, energy dispensed, peak session power, reliability, and maintenance costs.

3. UPTIME REPORTING - Are there uptime reporting requirements?

Quick Answer: States may require annual, quarterly, and even real-time reporting.
Simply facilitating 97% uptime of chargers may not be enough, as most states have indicated that regular reporting of uptime will be required. The guidelines require NEVI funded projects to collect, maintain, and submit data including uptimes as well as other metrics including charging station use, energy dispensed, peak session power, reliability, and maintenance costs.

4. INSTALLATION - Who can install the EV charger infrastructure?

Quick Answer: Only qualified technicians can install EV charger infrastructure.
The NEVI guidelines require any technicians installing, maintaining, or operating EV charger infrastructure to have appropriate licenses, certifications, and training. Technicians installing equipment must have a certification from the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program (EVITP) or have graduated from a Registered Apprenticeship Program for electricians that includes specific training on EV supply equipment. For projects requiring more than one electrician, at least one of the electricians must meet these requirements.

5. MAINTENANCE PLANNING - What are the maintenance planning requirements?

Quick Answer: A minimum five-year maintenance plan on equipment.
By requiring a five-year maintenance plan, the NEVI guidelines make it clear that entities awarded with this funding will be held responsible for ensuring the investment is sustained into the future. Businesses who take advantage of the funding will need to make sure they have a cost-effective monitoring and maintenance plan in place for the long-term.

6. BUILD AMERICA, BUY AMERICA ACT - Where must EV charger infrastructure equipment be purchased from?

Quick Answer: All equipment is subject to the Build America, Buy America Act.
To put it simply, the Build America, Buy America Act requires federal infrastructure programs to use materials and equipment produced in the United States. According to the website, none of the funds made available for the program may be used for a project unless all of the manufactured products used in the project are produced in the United States, subject to waivers (S.1303 - Build America, Buy America Act).




In support of the NEVI program, the NexPhase™ Smart EV Switchgear delivers a turnkey EV charger infrastructure solution. NexPhase™ enables rapid deployment of EV charger stations by providing the entire electrical infrastructure needed to bridge the gap between utility power and EV chargers. It is purpose-built to the NEVI guidelines. Let's take a look at how NexPhase™ can help you navigate the NEVI guidelines and accelerate your rollout of Level 3 Chargers.




1. CHARGER REQUIREMENTS - What are the requirements for charger types?

NEVI: A minimum of four 150 kW DC fast chargers per location.
NEXPHASE: NexPhase™ contains the entire infrastructure required between the utility service and up to four 150 kW Level 3 chargers.

2. UPTIME ASSURANCE - What are the charger uptime requirements?

NEVI: In operational working order 97% of the time.
NEXPHASE: Unlike any switchgear of its kind, NexPhase™ features cutting-edge grid intelligence for switchgear and EV charger remote monitoring and control. NexPhase™ allows operators to pinpoint off-line EV chargers and provides remote capabilities to bring them back online faster.

3. UPTIME REPORTING - Are there uptime reporting requirements?

NEVI: States may require annual, quarterly, and even real-time reporting.
NEXPHASE: NexPhase™ securely communicates with the UNITE™ web interface,  providing user-friendly access to monitoring information and reporting, including: transaction analysis, energy consumption, charge duration, EV charger state, utility power monitoring, and more.

4. INSTALLATION - Who can install EV charger infrastructure?

NEVI: Only qualified technicians can install EV charger infrastructure.
NEXPHASE: NexPhase™ only requires the on-site connections for the incoming power and outgoing charger connections, reducing on-site installation time and costs. All internal components come pre-installed. NexPhase™ allows contractors to execute more EV charger projects with their existing workforce.

5. MAINTENANCE PLANNING - What are the maintenance planning requirements?

NEVI: A minimum five-year maintenance plan.
NEXPHASE: Early detection of EV charger deficiencies and system performance diagnostics provided by NexPhase™ equipment offers operators with the tools to improve uptime, extend equipment service life, enhance reliability and deploy predictive EV charger system maintenance.

6. BUILD AMERICA, BUY AMERICA ACT - Where must EV charger infrastructure equipment be purchased from?

NEVI: All equipment is subject to the Build America, Buy America Act.
NEXPHASE: NexPhase™ combines all switchgear components into a single enclosure and is a Build America, Buy America component.


Learn More about NexPhase™




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